Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"The Gathering" has Gathered

Gingerbread Book Club met to discuss the first book selection "The Gathering" last night - with only two participants for this first Club, it was a nice discussion with the mood and plot of the novel being in general agreement - both of us felt there was something missing... Thank you to Ann Marie for reiterating that it wasn't just me...her reactions to "The Gathering" were quite similar and I quite enjoyed our chat about the book. Will more of you come out for "Eat. Pray. Love" in February? Lots have asked about the Club and I hope some will act upon your interest - we'd love to see you (call 905-271-2900 or email tracey@gingerbreadlane.ca). As a 'start up' Club, everyone is coming out for the first time and we can make the groups whatever we wish. I'm almost finished "Indonesia" in "Eat. Pray. Love" - anyone reach this part yet? What do you think so far???


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