Thursday, January 17, 2008

Book Club - February "Eat. Pray. Love." by Elizabeth Gilbert

Alright, I am so eager to discuss "Eat. Pray. Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert at our February Book Club! I finished reading it last night and wanted to immediately re-open to begin reading from the beginning again. I'd love to get the discussion started - tell me what you think of the story as you read it by posting a comment below. What was your favourite leg of her journey - Italy? India? Indonesia? If you've any questions of your own, post them and we can all give it some thought as we look forward to our get-together on February 20th - send your name in to if you'd like to join us :) Kindly, Tracey


Anonymous said...

I really like Elizabeth's writing style and sense of humour, quite a character. Can't say I enjoyed the India portion of her trip though. I found it a little too out there and there was too much on the meditating and blue light stuff lol. I don't think if I had such a profound spiritual experience as Liz did, I would be sharing it in such detail in a best seller, but that's just my personal view. I enjoyed Italy and am currently reading Indonesia and love it (probably my favorite). I question if all of this is non-fiction though, some of it seems a bit too much to be true, maybe it's just me :) but none the less it's a cute book.


Anonymous said...

I had a suggestion for April's book: "Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Kidd. I heard this is a fantastic book and have always wanted to read it!
