Sunday, January 20, 2008

Busy Weekends

We are always happy to have "public play" times on our weekends and have left a number of drop-in guests disappointed when you arrive for a play only to find that we are closed due to birthday parties. We're happy to host so many parties this month and are trying to find the best way to keep the public informed of the closures when, and as, they happen. We send out a weekly "happenings" announcement to our Ginger Mail members (receive Ginger Mail by request - email and we post around the facility of upcoming closures. We also leave our "OPEN" sign off and note with our hours, that it is best to call in advance of weekend visits to see if we are opened/closed. Is there a better way for us to keep you informed? Our new web site will have the current week posted on the front page so you can drop in to the site any time and see what is going on that week but until the site is up and running - is there a better way? Please post your comments/suggestions below - click "comments" Thank you for any suggestions - all are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracey,
I think what you're doing is great...I know that this is a definite possibility (that a party is scheduled). So if I can't remember from the weekly email or can't find the email (you should see my's terrible!), then I just call. I really don't know what else you can do.

Anonymous said...

I should add that when the website is up and running at its full capacity that will help - that will be the first place I check.