Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why I Know I Must Be Part Leprechaun

• I have devilishly mischievous moments of evil intent. For example, my husband was speaking to me about nothing in particular and I was listening intently when suddenly into my head popped a thought – “I could reach out right now and sucker punch you right in the face.” There was no reason for the thought, but it made me laugh. Please note that I did not act on the impulse.
• I have taken several major life leaps (ie. Take a flying leap off the cliff) and risks that appealed to me – like starting 2 business’, shopping for first home while husband was chronically sick, etc – and, with some positive vibes and inspiration, everything will work out in the end. You have to trust that you are exactly where you should be. A little devil-may-care or a sound life philosophy?
• I like green. I’m currently writing this blog entry while sitting on my apple green couch, wearing my lime green t-shirt, etc. It’s not an overwhelming colour in my life but it does consistently wind its’ way into it.

• I like a good joke (practical or spoken) as much as the rest of them. (See blog entry October 5/08) In fact, I can clearly remember relishing the times spent with my extended family (paternal) as they were all great jokesters and I found great glee when I began to express my own inner comedienne.
• Short pants and a pipe…I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

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