Friday, September 12, 2008

How Do You Recharge?

I'm wondering if that is actually my own drooping eye-bags that I feel resting against my cheeks...

It's been a busy two weeks of transitioning back to school along with all the normal "crazy-ness" and I'm wondering where I'll find a moment to recover some of my waning energies. Each day feels as though I am beginning a packed-full day on a half-full tank. It is not a complaint - I lead a full and productive life. I am merely pondering - as my lower eyelids rest comfortably on my face - what can I cram into an already busy lifestyle that is purely self-indulgent. A hobby perhaps...

It's got me thinking - why not think something so simple as a hobby to death - that I wonder what other people do for fun, to unwind, or to give yourself a moment (or several) of simple pleasure.

Do you scrapbook?

Enjoy a glass of wine?

A nice cup of tea?

A jog?

Some rock wall climbing?

Read a good book?

Catch up on some blogs?

My mind literally becomes overwhelmed with possibilities and I'm left unmotivated to start any one of them...where would I begin? I'm seeking a way to form a new habit that is purely meant to sooth and nurture my spirit, so I can appreciate this life's journey a little more - feel like I have a say in it rather than feel that I'm being pushed around by it. How do you begin a new hobby? Give me some ideas...

I'm a firm believer (read previous posts) that breaking tasks down into simple steps is an easy way to get things done - without excuses that "there's no time!". But I need some inspiration so I ask you - the reader - this...

1) what can you suggest as indulgent hobbies? something you've enjoyed or, perhaps, something you've always been curious to try?

2) what has stopped you from finding and participating in a hobby?

3) what advise would you give me to get started?

I'd like to see your comments. This could be a grand starting point as a motivational tool in all of our crazy, overworked lives!

I gently push my saggy eyelids back into their rightful place, take a deep affirming breath and click "post"...

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